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Notice the Bad Driver he is Eating? |
What then, do you ask, did the mean little gremlins do yesterday? Those mean little creatures took over my body and turned me into a natural spring!! On my way to my group yesterday I'm listening to the radio and every song that came on had me tearing up! There I am driving down the road and all I can think is, "Why in the heck does Dierks Bentley's Am I The Only One making me want to breakdown in tears?" The gremlins merely chanted in the background, "cry, cry, cry...sniffle, sniffle, sniffle...cry cry cry!!!" I held strong though! I just kept switching through the radio trying to find anything that didn't cause my eyes to water ~ No such luck.
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Not sure what about these lyrics made me feel the need to sob like an infant... |
It was then I decide to turn off the radio (which I'm pretty sure has joined the gremlin conspiracy) and call my Mom. You see my Mom went on a road trip with one of my little brothers (I use the term lightly) to see my other little brother in Florida and then head up to Norfolk, Virginia where he is now stationed. We are all very excited about this because he has been stationed out of the country for at least the past four years. This means that all three of my younger brothers, who are all in the Navy, are now stateside! So here I am talking to my Mom and she is telling me all about how they finally found the right base, got him registered to drive on base, and then some other person came and helped them out by giving them a tour and showing him his new barracks etc. etc. And I literally start tearing up again!! REALLY?? I mean I'm just so HAPPY that he is HAPPY and who wouldn't cry about the fact their little brother got a tour around a Naval base?
Thank goodness for work! I get off the phone to head into the school and spend the next hour with my girls. As I'm leaving I pull out my phone to text my husband that he was supposed to call me while on break and what do I see... A missed call from my husband (sniffle). He is so amazing :)
Later in the day my hubby gets home and asks me if I want to go to Babies R Us and run some other errands before dinner. How lucky am I? Then we get a text from his parents saying they want to eat out and asked if we want to join them at Ryan's for dinner. When my husband comes to check with me about it I lose it. I honestly think I scared him to death because I just start sobbing. I give him total credit though because instead of getting mad he comes and gives me a hug and valiantly tries to figure out what is wrong... the answer went something like this...
My Very Amazing, Very Good-Looking Husband! |
*Kennith* Baby! You are not fat and you are NOT hurting the baby! I'm sorry I need to do better! I'll start cooking more! Its going to be okay!"
*sobbing* "Its NOT going to be okay! And I could cook more too! You already do too much as it is... You're just going to get tired of me and go find someone else who is nicer and does chores around the house and cooks and is nice."
*Kennith* Sarah!! I married YOU! I love YOU! I'm not going anywhere! Stop saying that! Everything is going to be fine!
*sobbing* Okay... but you deserve to be happy and I'm a horrible person! I'm mean to the dog and I'm mean to you! And I'm so hot! I can't breathe! *sobs more* I'm tired of being so hot and the dog stepping on my stomach and my b**bs! It hurts! I don't want to go eat! I'm not hungry! I had too much to eat for lunch and I don't want to eat!"
*Kennith* You are NOT a horrible person and I'm sorry you don't feel good but starving yourself isn't the answer either.
*sobbing* "I'M NOT STARVING MYSELF! I'm just not hungry! I ate too much for lunch and now I don't want to eat again... because I'm too fat! I don't even have a reason to be fat yet! I'm going to have gestational diabetes or high blood pressure! Why can't I work out anymore? I can't do it by myself! I was doing so good and now I'm horrible... sob sob sniffle... sob... And now my make-up is messed up and I look ugly! I don't know why you want to stay here with me!"
So that was the first about 6 minutes of this 20 minute episode. It was pretty rough but luckily my husband stuck with me and did a GREAT job! I know he loves me because when I finally found my way into the bathroom to redo my make-up I not only had mascara under my eyes I had it on my cheeks, jaw, and believe it or not... my forehead. Needless to say I did not re-apply the mascara. It also didn't help the re-application process that I kept having random tears streak down my face, but who wouldn't tear up when you have a husband sweet enough to stay in the bathroom with you handing you Kleenex every three seconds.
We did manage to make it down to Babies R Us which was pretty fun. I was a little sad to find they don't actually carry the stroller I want to try out. I'm pretty sure Kennith broke to floor model strollers which was pretty funny and though we didn't find anything that struck us as "amazing" we did find several that are definite NO's! LOL I guess we will be practicing with the stroller and carseat before Hannah/Remington gets here so that we don't maim our child while trying to put them together!
I have also determined I'm going to have to make me a shirt that says, "Its not you, Its the Baby" for when we go out to eat because I'm sure our poor waitress last night either thought I was on the brink of death or just couldn't stand her due to the fact I was trying not to be sick the entire time we were sitting there. The fact that it was -28 degrees at our table didn't help much either. When we were finally wrapping up and the waitress said she hoped I felt better, Kennith told her it was the baby making me feel queasy. This we will be doing from now on because man did she get so super nice after that! Offering us everything but free desert and I'm sure I could have managed that had I been sure I could have eaten it! She even told me I made a very pretty pregnant woman in my dress! HAH
When we got home I aired up our air mattress and put it in the living room so I could lay down and watch TV. That lasted until the dryer was turned on... the dog started crawling on my stomach and b**bs... I had to pee... and my head started killing me. At that point, with all the grace of a two year old mid-tantrum, I snatched up my pillows and stomped into my bedroom. I threw the pillows on the bed, took a pain killer, and climbed into bed whining about how it was too loud in the living room and I felt bad and just wanted to lay down. My husband apologized to me (I'm so horrible) and proceeded to turn off the tv and all the lights before getting into bed and making the dog lay on his side so that she wouldn't bother me.
I was finally able to go to sleep...though my wonderful puppy woke me up at 11:30pm needing to go outside :( So I got up and took her out in a nightgown and robe with my hair all crazy and in camo house shoes... Naturally the firefighter neighbor guy was on his balcony. I didn't know this however until he cleared his throat, I'm sure to let me know he was there, at which point I stepped deeper into the shadows so that he couldn't see anymore of my rear-end hanging out of my robe. RUDE!
LOL - So I slept like crap and had some more of my super weird pregnancy dreams! I don't know what is up with that but they are not the best of dreams! I did wake up in a much better frame of mind this morning though I did suffer from some morning sickness... I'm hoping I will continue feeling better because this afternoon we are meeting with a group of our good friends/family to shoot some skeet and get in some pistol practice! I used to enjoy this quite a bit pre-pregnancy so I'm hoping I'll still like it today! My luck I'll forget which way to point the gun or not be able to hit the broad side of a barn much less a sporting clay... sigh
He's Always Got My Back |
Well let me know how you are doing and if you have any advice on how to kill off the gremlins! Texas_Ginger23@yahoo.com and on FB!
Love you guys! You're a hot mess, next week I'll be over. And if yall come over for the house stuff, we will cook pizza. :)
ReplyDeleteI am definitely a hot mess :) LOL and that sounds great!