Oh its real! Don't let the cutsie little names fool you! It has been scientifically proven that pregnant women suffer from memory deficits. How do I know that its real?

2. Putting business cards in a "safe place" before pregnancy and now having absolutely no idea where they hidden.
3. Not being able to recall simple words during conversation and ending up staring blankly at whatever poor soul I was attempting to talk to.
4. I'm not even going to mention the grammatical or linguistic errors that happen in this blog.
5. Using sentences like, "How are we there getting?"
6. Staring blankly at my work computer trying to remember what that really important something I needed to do was... and then wondering if there actually was something really important I needed to do in the first place.
These are of course just a few examples of how my brain is betraying me daily. It is a horrible feeling for someone who graduated with an English and Psychology degree to try and discuss a simple topic and to not be able to manufacture simple (much less complex) sentences. I'm sorry Renee... please accept my sincere apologies :( I of course cannot complain about my inability to solve simple math problems because even at my best I could never do that. Its sad really... If one of my students asks me a math question during group (thank heavens it doesn't happen often) I merely smile and say, "Who here knows what 8X6 equals?" I only hope they get it right since I don't have my phone nearby to check their answer.
Interestingly enough I did find an article on pregnancy brain today that states some people believe that pregnancy brain is nature's way of getting you to make your future baby your priority by making your brain only be able to focus on the baby and simplifying your life in preparation of its arrival. I found this to be quite interesting because honestly I can remember 5 different bottle names and what makes them special and unique but I cannot find those business cards ANYWHERE!!!!

1. Tell my husband he doesn't love my because even though he cooked dinner, cleaned the kitchen, poured me a glass of tea, and sat waiting for me to realize dinner was ready even after he told me it was (pregnancy hearing loss) he didn't fix my plate. Obviously the man couldn't care less about me or the baby and wants us both to starve!
2. Make me sleep on a towel every night thanks to night sweats regardless of the fact I just cut all of my hair off to help with the heat problem.
3. Cause me to be in a constant state of dizziness preventing me from exercising and leading to rapid weight gain. (Though I do feel a small sense of triumph every time I make it up and down our stairs without falling... especially when my dog is dragging me down at 90mph because she maybe, just might, on the off chance have seen what could have been a bird within 50ft of our apartment).
4. Watch my skin break out like I'm 15 years old and have never heard of an acne product in my life! Really???? Oh and now Ulta and Sephora no longer carry my favorite face wash... this does not make me smile.
I could go on but I'll save you from the more embarrassing things the H-Monsters have made me do lately...really I promise you don't want to know...
Luckily today my dizziness seems to have decreased by about 10% however I have found that whenever I am not dizzy I feel like my flesh is going to melt off from the inside because apparently the little H-Monsters have installed a supercharged heating system that uses my blood vessels to super heat my body instantaneously. I have had two people ask me if I'm okay this week because I was vigorously fanning myself off with coloring pages apparently looking like I was on the brink of... well ... passing out, death, exploding? Who knows...
I asked my husband what he was most looking forward too during the pregnancy and he replied, "The second trimester. I just want to make it to the second trimester so you won't be so cranky and hopefully you will feel better and be happier." My poor, poor husband. After informing him he didn't love me because he didn't put food on a plate for me, I whined out an apology and told him he had to take everything I said with a grain of salt for the next nine months. I'm thinking now that I should have put that clause in our wedding vows - hindsight's 20/20 I suppose.
I do have some good news!!! I got my first diaper bag in the mail today! I'm so excited because it is soooo CUTE!! Kennith wanted to share a diaper bag between us but I think when he saw me pick out this one he decided he didn't mind so much if we had two. He is now looking for a tactical (no joke...he wants a for real military grade ~ made to carry weapons and ammunition bag) diaper bag. Luckily they have some pretty cute ideas for this and we even found some "daddy blogs" that talk about them! Back to my super cute bag! Its by JJ Cole and I got a good deal on it on Diapers.com so I went ahead and ordered it. Am I way ahead of myself? Naturally. Will I despite my best efforts be able to stop this pre-second trimester baby shopping? Nope. This means that baby is expected to make an appearance on or around January 6, 2013. No ifs, ands, butts, or excuses accepted!!!!!
Oh and to add to the pregnancy brain proof bucket... I couldn't find my new Victoria Secret card this morning or my coupons though I searched high and low in our office, shuffling papers and whatnot. My husband came home, grabbed the "Sarah Stack" of papers and what did he find LITERALLY on the very top of the pile... yeah, its a sad thing. So please don't ask me to babysit any live creatures human or animal because I would probably lose it... and then I wouldn't be able to help look for it later when you came back for it... then you would find it sitting on the couch laughing as I crawled around my apartment looking it. SMH
Okay well enough for now! I'll talk to you guys again soon! Don't forget send your comments my way! I'm on FB and at texas_ginger23@yahoo.com
I've really enjoyed everyone's comments and encouragement from the past few posts! Its really great to know you guys are out there reading!
Oh and question of the week... BOTTLES! What do you use? What do you like? Why? Etc. Etc. I've done some research but I want to know from those of you who are using/have used them before. I've used Dr. Browns but I want to know what works for you!!! Let me know @ Texas_Ginger23@yahoo.com
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