So according to the charts full of ages and numbers I'm what you call obese. I just call it what it is... I'm fat. Now don't get me wrong I don't go around looking at others and thinking they are fat but I can look at myself in the mirror, groan about how my pants don't fit, and then run into the kitchen and grab a snack cake to take my mind off the muffin top. I know, obviously its a vicious, never ending, now-I-wear-yoga-pants-so-I-can-breathe cycle, but if you knew how much I loved those little snack cakes! Unfortunately for the Little Debbie Company I have decided to make a change. I'm tired of being fat, and though I dearly love my yoga pants I am pretty sure my butt will look much better in ones two sizes smaller than what I'm currently wearing. I suppose now its time to tell you the whys and hows behind my battle plan against my body's bulge.

First with the whys. The most obvious would be the morning mirror stare down (and lets be honest, the afternoon mirror walk by, the evening glare, and the middle of the night look of shock when the light is brighter than I thought it would be). Its bad enough walking in the bathroom at 6:30am and seeing my crazy red hair and cranky blue eyes staring back at me, but I also have to come face to fat with my stomach, thighs, arms, behind, and well just my body in general. For a person who hates waking up in the first place this does not help encourage me to face the day. The next why would have to do with the fact that I was recently married (thank you for your congrats) and well lets just say this snow beast can stand in front of her very compact husband and you would have no idea he was there. I would like to be able to tell you that my dress was just that Cinderella like but unfortunately thanks to gaining 10lbs the week before the ceremony that was all me. We are just lucky I wasn't wearing yoga pants and a robe down the isle, but on some days breathing just isn't as important as one would think. By the way my husband thinks I'm perfect. I know he hit his head a lot as a child but I will totally take it! This way when I am actually closer to my perfect shape he'll be so overwhelmed he will only mildly panic when I buy my new amazing skinny girl wardrobe!

Now for the hows! So I have this section pretty much maxed out and I'm sure there are plenty of you out there that will think I'm crazy...well honestly I am... a little anyway. Not only have I turned my spare bedroom into a small workout area I have filled it with a treadmill, yoga ball, yoga mat, chin-up bar, resistance straps, a super sit up master thing, and a tv to watch my new P90x videos! That's right people I am going hard core and taking up the challenge to Bring It!!! Honestly though, I've done two days of workouts and my body is killing me but that just means I'm on the road to skinny. I've also recently bought into the Sensa line of products that promise to help me eat less because I am all about the food! Yummy Yummy Noms that make my mouth water and my hips expand. Oh how I will miss you food! (sigh - IHOP would be pretty awesome for breakfast, and I don't mean the healthy stuff...) Where was I... Oh yes! Food! I will also be taking advantage of which provides awesome and amazing recipes that are HEALTHY!!! I definitely have to give this girl props because her recipes are all pretty awesome! My next tools will be my friends, especially J.S. who is my workout buddy and kick-my-butt-back-onto-track-buddy (She is a self-proclaimed "boss" and anyone who knows her agrees) and this blog. This is going to be my venting and celebrating forum. I'm going to share the details of my weight loss journey with you in order to hold myself accountable to reach my goal. I'm counting on you to help keep me crawling forward on this new journey of mine!
The Goal:
Lose 60lbs by October 2012
Why October you ask? I will be standing in front of hundreds of people watching my BF get married and I want to rock that bridesmaid dress!
Current Weight: 195lbs
Goal Weight: 135lbs
Left Bicep - 12 inches
Right Bicep - 12 inches
Left Thigh - 27 1/2 inches
Right Thigh - 27 1/2 inches
Bust - 43 inches
Below Bust - 38 inches
Waist - 39 inches
Hips - 47 inches
Neck - 15 inches
Giving up on myself without reaching my goal. Working hard without seeing results. Being a pansy and failing - just your usual weight loss fears I suppose!
Okay so now its out there. The good, the bad, and the bulge! I have the tools and the desire now just to follow through! Obviously its possible because thousands of people have done this and as soon as I feel like its possible I'll let you know. Right now I'm just trying to crawl through my first few weeks of diet and P90x. I can do this...right?
You can do this Sarah. You don't really have that much to lose. I've been told that 2lb per week is a healthy loss, i think it'a great how you've set your goal and stuff. I've joined slimming world in the uk and I've lost about 42 lbs at the moment, and it's just healthy eating I'm never hungry. I found out that it's in America too only in Texas though.
ReplyDeleteJarenMar 10, 2012 06:52 AM
ReplyDeleteWow! Just wow! You write so so well! I was laughin my butt off! But I am just in awe of your honesty, you've got balls girl! I can't even admit to myself let alone the world when I've gained a few lbs! I'm so excited for you! Remember just stay off the scale! And stay focused! Your stomach is not a waste basket, food is fuel!