Have you ever noticed the amount of reading material available to you in the four feet of check out line in Walmart? As I stood simmering in the check-out line the other day I had ample opportunity to take notice of the selection available to us. Naturally most of the magazines were geared toward women. I didn't pay much attention until I focused on the cover of Woman's World Magazine. In big bold flashy letters I read, "LOSE 9BLS IN 2 DAYS" with a thin, smiling woman holding a scale looking as if everything in the world was wonderful. I started reading other headlines at that point and was honestly amazed at how many of them had to do with woman losing weight, toning up, slimming down, taking of unwanted hair, adding wanted hair, improving your sex life, attracting good men, dumping bad men, organizing your house, organizing your life, cooking low-fat, cooking no fat, cooking delectable cookies and cakes for everyday of the year!!! Who knew we needed so much help?
When you set a weight loss goal and you give it your all to achieve there is of course a measure of pressure that comes with the territory. You pressure yourself to achieve your personal expectations and you pressure yourself to meet the expectations of others. Its just a part of the process and can be a good thing as long as it is used properly. The problem comes when you start falling prey to the social pressures bombarding us everyday. It is so easy to turn on the tv, pick up a magazine, or listen to the radio, and feel like you have to do more to improve yourself, change who you are so that you will be more "acceptable" in the world around you. How many times do we hear the phrase "Quick Weight Loss" in a day, or a week? I have fallen prey to this phrase several times. I even spent $500 a few years ago on one of the "quick weight loss" programs and made it a whole 2 weeks before I couldn't do it anymore. Granted I did lose 14lbs in two weeks but the plan was so strict it was impossible to live by. It was then I started Weight Watchers and until Thanksgiving rolled around that year I did pretty good.

So in saying that I should report to you that I skipped my Kenpo X workout today (some of you are shaking your held and tsking at me already...) in lou of going to the park with my husband and my puppy Gidget. It was quite the interesting experience. We would walk the trail for a bit and then Gidget and I would run while Kennith would cut across the corners and meet us. Gidget however is not the best walking buddy. If we are not jogging she is yanking you all over the place trying to smell every blade of grass or to say hello to any living creature within 30 feet. If you are jogging she is either chewing her leash in an attempt to walk herself, dodging back and forth in front of you, or, by far the funniest, she tries to look up at you while running sideways making it look like she is jumping sideways down the trail like a bunny rabbit on crack. I'm hoping that a few more times around the track and she will figure out the whole running with a partner thing. If not I may be typing about a broken leg next week!!
You see I believe treating yourself is very important! I'm just finding ways to do it without sabotaging what I have already accomplished and you can do the same! Remember you are worth it and you have someone cheering you on! Someone who cares about the WHOLE YOU!
In the spirit of P90X -
Makes me think of Proverbs 31. Be blessed.
ReplyDeleteHey! It's Anna from highschool :) I saw on fb you started this blog and decided to read it because I am to the point of being totally aggravated by the weight I have accumulated. :) needless to say you have motivated me to actually start trying to lose it. I'm 173 right now, while I doubt I'll do p90x, I do have a really good workout DVD that I've been dying to use. And now I will :) I also wanted to tell you about a magazine called Clean Eating. It has really yummy recipes and is actually easy to make the stuff in it. So check it out, because it would help with losing weight too because it's more natural foods and not processed. I'm about to start that. Anyways, I am really enjoying reading your blog, you always were great at writing. :)
ReplyDeleteHey My Anna from High School! You are by the same gorgeous woman you were all those years ago! Thanks for reading girlie and I'm so glad that it has helped you find your motivation! You are one of the most motivated people I know so I don't think you are going to have a problem at all getting into shape! I will definitely have to look up that magazine! My hubby is the chef of the family but he seems to enjoy it (at least that is what I tell myself) and we are always looking for things we would like to try! The first step is the hardest! After that the motivation seems to build on itself and its hard to stop! I miss the good times! I saw our bus driver at Dogwood last year! She asked if I had made it to Europe and I was happy to report I had, but I still need to make that trip to Ireland :) Wonder if I'll find a bed and breakfast that serves Texas food? ;)
DeleteOnly if it's our B and B. :) Ireland is still on my bucket list as well. That's funny you saw her at Dogwood. I almost went this year, but wanted to stay home for the weekend. I had a ton of plants and flowers to put in the ground. I work at a nursery part of the season and would think I'd lose weight lugging around plants all day in the hot sun, but nope, it's still there. Prob my food choices for lunch :) my boss loves tacos.